What Happen If You Don’t Service Your Aircon? | Cool Care


Singapore is the hottest spot, so we need to establish air conditioning for our home, commercial place, and so on to protect ourselves. Aircon installation is important in tropical places, and aircon service is necessary for balancing the aircon execution. If you don’t service your air conditionerIt might store a ton of dirt, dust, and fungus in the air conditioner. The store of dirt is affecting the air conditioning execution. It will imply that your air conditioner requires more time to give better cooling execution, and it might cause other air conditioning issues as well. Here we mention what occurs if you don’t service your air conditioner and how to fix the issue.


The given Below is what happens if you don’t service your air conditioner.

  • Dirty Coil

The evaporator coil is situated on your indoor unit and works similarly to a radiator to ensure that the air flowing through your ventilation work is warmed or cooled appropriately. If your coil is dirty, it can restrict the airflow and automatically reduce air conditioning efficiency. The dirt can also contribute to the low air quality. This problem can be avoided through proper air conditioning service.

  • Dirty Filter

The contaminated filter has the potential to cause illness. When you do not have your air conditioner serviced, dirt, dust particles, and bad odors accumulate in it. Such an issue affects health and may reduce cooling efficiency. To resolve this issue, professional air conditioning servicing is required.


  • Water Leak

If you don’t maintain your air conditioner properly, it may cause a water leak issue. The water leak issue can cause problems of low cooling, bad odor, and the formation of algae. In this issue, you may lose your money and your air conditioning efficiency.

  • Increase your electricity bill.

The proper air conditioning service will provide efficient cooling without any causes, but when you neglect the air conditioning service, your blower can form a lot of dirt and dust, so that it produces low cooling issues because the dirt will block the airflow. It increases your electricity bill. You can reduce your energy bill by having your air conditioner serviced.


  • Unexpectedly breakdown

If your air conditioner is running for long days without air conditioning servicing, it may unexpectedly break down. For example, your air conditioner’s thermistor, fan motor, circuit board, capacitor, and condenser may fail. So you may lose your money and your air conditioning as well. If you want to avoid such breakdowns, you should service your air conditioner properly.

  • Bad Odor

When your air conditioner is running without maintenance, insects are likely to go into the air conditioner, and if the insects are dead inside the air conditioner, there may be a bad odor, or your air conditioner may be full of dirt and algae may produce the bad odor. Its smell can cause health issues and reduce your air conditioning performance. To avoid this type of problem, use regular air conditioning service.


When you avoid aircon service for your air conditioner, the above aircon problems are common. Regular air conditioning service will help to prevent such problems and extend the life of your air conditioner. CoolCare aircon service provides professional aircon service at a reasonable price. Coolcare experts are more experienced, so they will easily handle your air conditioning issues. If your air conditioner has any issues or if you want to do the air conditioning service, you can hire Coolcare. CoolCare is always there to fulfill your air conditioner needs.

dead inside of the air conditioning unit may cause a bad odor, or your air conditioning form of fully dirt and algae may produce the bad odor. Its smell can cause health issues and reduce your air conditioning performance. To avoid this type of problem, use regular air conditioning service.

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